вівторок, 4 травня 2021 р.

4-D Pace Work 05.05.2021

Wednesday, the fifth of May.

 Theme: Seeds.

                                            Хід уроку.


T: Good morning children. How are you?

Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

T: In this lesson we will learn about seeds.

Фонетична зарядка.

T: Let’s review the sound [p]

    Repeat after me:

A pet, to put, a pen, a problem, a pencil, a power, a pilot, a pillow.

Make up the sentences with these words.

Мовленнєва зарядка.

T:   What day is it today?

      What is it  date  today?

       Do you like today’s  weather?

Основна частина уроку.

1.Введення та активізація нових лексичних одиниць.

Pre-reading activities:

T: repeat the words after me:

A seed

To plant

A size

To grow


T: Now write down these words in your vocabularies.

Make up the sentences with these words.

2.Читання тексту.

T: Now let’s read and translate the text. While reading underline the new words.

Do you want to conduct your own plant investigation? Let’s get started!

Seeds come in all shapes, sizes, and types. There are some seeds that are so tiny, they look like dust.  Other seeds, though, can be as big as a basketball! Seeds remain asleep until they are given soil, water, and light. In fact, all plants need certain things to grow, including: room to grow, the right temperature, light, water, air, nutrients, and time.

Have you ever wondered how a seed becomes a plant? Now is your chance to find out! You get to grow a plant from a seed!

What you need:

6–8 seeds

3–4 paper cups (or other small containers)

One small plastic lid per cup (to catch the water)



Note: If you’re using seeds from a seed packet, follow the planting instructions on the packet. You can use dried beans from the cupboard, but you may want to soak them in water for a couple hours first.

What to do:

Place your cup on a table covered with newspaper to protect the table.  

Poke a hole in the bottom of the cup with a pencil.

Fill the cup almost full with soil.

Make a couple holes in the soil with your finger or pencil.

Place one or two seeds in the hole and cover them with soil.

Place plastic lid under cup, water the seeds, and place the cup in a sunny spot.

Water the soil when it looks dry. If you stick your finger one inch into the soil and it feels dry, then water your plant. When you water the plant, moisten the soil by using enough water so that it starts to come out of the hole in the bottom of the cup.

Remember that it takes time to grow and care for plants. Some plants require more time to grow than others.

3.Виконання післятекстових прав. Post-reading.

5.Самостійна робота.T: make up your own sentences to the text and write down them in your exercise books. Well done! Now make up the questions to the text.

Заключна частина.

1.Підведення підсумків уроку.

T: Today we have learnt about seeds. What do you need to plant seeds?


3.Повідомлення домашнього завдання.T: Your homework is to learn the vocabulary and be ready to use it in the next lesson activities

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