Тема: Допоміжне дієслово TO BE . 22/12
2 уроки проводяться в ZOOM за посиланням
Хід уроку.
T: Good morning children. I am glad to see you. How are you?
Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
T: In this lesson we will learn about auxiliary verb” to be”.
Фонетична зарядка.
T: Let’s review the sound [ e ]
Sound “e”
An exit, east, an eraser, an elephant.
a. You look for this sign when you want to leave a building. _____(exit)
b. The large grey animal we see in the zoo is called an __________ ( elephant)
c. You use this when you make a mistake with your pencil. _____(eraser)
d. Which direction is missing? North, South, West ,___________ ( East
Основна частина уроку.
1.Введення поняття дієслова “to be”.
T: “to be” shows state of being. We use “am”,“is” when we speak about one person, place or thing. We use “are” when we speak about two or more persons, places or things.
In the Present In the Past
He It
She IS
You They
2.Виконання лексико-граматичних вправ.
Write the verb on the blank.
He ( is, it, in) my friend.
We ( are, air, any) at home.
She (who, web, was) here last night.
Mother, I (am, an, at) your child.
We ( where, were, wear) kind to them.
They (ant, are, age) very friendly.
It ( was, way, why) a baby elephant.
Our pastor ( ill, it, is) wise.
Самостійна робота.
T: make up the sentences using “to Be” and write down them in your exercise books. You have 5 minutes.
Заключна частина.
1.Підведення підсумків уроку. When do you use is,are,am?
3.Повідомлення домашнього завдання.
T: Your homework is to make up 10 sentences with the verb “to be”
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