неділя, 9 жовтня 2022 р.

Pace Work 2-D 11.10.2022

 Tuesday, the eleventh of October

Good morning, pupils. 

How are you today?

What can you do? Let's say one by one. For example: I can dance.

Pupils, look at the pictures. Can you find the 6 differences between these 2 pictures? Let's try.

Read the text.

Ace and Baba Run

I can run.

You may run with me.

You have four legs.

We can run and play.

We will have fun.

You can run with your four legs.

Run with your four legs, run.

I will run with you.

It is fun to run and play.

We will have fun.

Baa baa says Baba.

Put the right word on the blank.

Baba has _____ legs.

Ace and Baba can _____ .

Ace and Baba can _____ .

Baba can run with four _____ .

It is fun to run _____ play.

Fill in the blanks.

He [Jesus] saith ... _____ me

субота, 8 жовтня 2022 р.

Pace Work 10.10.2022

 2-D Form - Pace Work

Monday, the tenth of October

Good morning, my dear pupils. 

How are you today?

Can you describe the weather today?

The weather is different on our planet. Let's watch a video about our Earth. First of all let's look through the following words:

sea - море

ocean - океан

mountain - гора

wood - ліс

river - ріка

Moon - місяць

Let's watch and do the tasks after the video.

1) What is the name of our planet?

2) What colour is it?

3) What do we have in our seas and oceans?

4) The land is covered with __________.

5) Birds _____ through the sky.

6) Clouds are _____ and beautiful.

7) The _____ spins around the Earth.

Read the text.

Day and Night.

God made the Heaven and the earth in six days.

He made all things in six days.

On day one God made the light.

He called the light day.

We call the light day.

On day one God made the dark.

He called the dark night.

We call the dark night.

God made the light and the dark on day one.

He made the day and the night. 

Put the right word on the blank.

On day one God made _____.

God called the light _____.

On day one God made _____.

God called the dark _____.

God made _____ and night.

Fill in the blanks.

Prove what is that _____ will of God.

понеділок, 19 вересня 2022 р.

Pace Work 2-D 20.09.2022

 Tuesday, the twentieth of September.

Goodmorning children! Nice to see you!

Today we are going to review vegetables.

Let`s do the task.


Do you like vegetables?

What is your favourite vegetable?

Is cucumber a vegetable?

Watch the video and repeat the movements .

Let`s work in our pace.
 Open Social Studies on page 11.

Let`s study new words.
White - білий
Wool -  вовна
It - це
Soft - м'який
Pet - гладити

Now let`s read the text "Baba`s White Wool".

Now open the page 12.
Let`s do the task for the text.

Fill in the blanks in the Bible verse.
He [Jesus] saith.... follow me.

Well done, children!
Good buy!

середа, 14 вересня 2022 р.

Pace Work 2-D 15.09.2022

 Thursday, the fifteenth of September.

Goodmorning , my dear children!

I`m very glad to seee all of you today.

How are you?

What is the day today?

What is the date today?

Let`s watch the video and review the numbers.

And now let`s open our pace in Maths page 13.

Draw a line to the numbers.
How many rabbits do you see?
How many hives do you see?

Now fill in the blanks in the word of the Bible verse.
"In every thing give thanks."

Open page 14.

How many doors do you see?
Write 4 in each box.
Fill in the blanks in the Bible verse.

Good job ! Have a nice day!

понеділок, 12 вересня 2022 р.

Pace Work 2-D 13.09.2022

 Tuesday, the thirteenth of September.

Good morning, children! How are you today?

Do you like today`s weather? What is the season now?

Watch the video and let`s talk about seasons of the year.

So, what is the weather like in spring?

What do you like to do in summer?

What is your favourite season? Why?

Now look at page

Study new words.

Let`s read the text.
Well done!

Let`s go to the new page.
Do the exercise. Read the sentences and write the missed words.

Fill in the gap in the Bible verse.
Good job!

неділя, 11 вересня 2022 р.

Pace Work 2-D 12.09.2022

 2-D Form - Pace Work

Monday, the twelfth of September

Good morning, my dear pupils. I am very glad to see you. How are you today?

Do you like the weather today? Can you describe it?

Today you have Science. Before our main part of the lesson let's watch a video about colors. What colors do you remember? Name them one by one. 

Pupils, what objects do you remember with red color? (orange, yellow, green, blue, purple)

Now look at the pictures and pay your attention to the new words.

Read the text "God Made Things"

I am Ace.

Baba, I love you.

You are Baba.

I am Ace.

God made all things.


Put the right word on the blank.

Fill the verse in the blank

середа, 7 вересня 2022 р.

Pace Work 2-D 08.09.2022

 Thursday, the eights of September.

Good morning,  children!

Today we start to study a new pace. It`s a Social studies.

Open your pace and let`s read your goal for this pace.

Your goals are:

To read new words.

To read stories.

To answer questions.

To learn about Ace and Baba.

To be ready to do what I am asked to do.

And now let`s read and study the Bible verse.

He [Jesus] saith .... follow me.

Matthew 9:9

Read one by one.

 II. Color the picture. Describe the picture. What can you see on the picture?

III.Open page 3. Let`s study the new words.

IV. Read the text " Little Lamb" on page 4. And do the task after it.

вівторок, 6 вересня 2022 р.

Pace Work 2-D 07.09.22

 Wednesday, the seventh of September

2-D Form - Pace Work

Good morning, pupils. Today we have Science. Let’s read about your goals in this Pace.

1. To learn new words.

2. To read stories.

3. To answer questions.

4. To learn about God’s world.

5. To learn what God made on day one.

6. To learn to do what I should.

Pupils, let’s read a verse and try to remember it.

Prove what is that good … will of God. ( Romans 12:2)

Read one by one.

II. Color the picture. Can you describe it? What do you see in the picture?

III.  Read the text under the title “Ace and Baba”.

I am Ace.

You are Baba.

I love you.

You are Baba.

Baba, I love you.

I am Ace.

IV. Draw a line between the word and the picture.

V. Fill in the blank.

понеділок, 5 вересня 2022 р.

Pace Work 2-D 06.09.2022

 Tuesday, the sixth of September.

Goodmorning, my dear children!

I`m very glad to see all of you today! How are you? Are you ready for the lesson?

Yesterday you recollected the alphabet.

 So today I want you to review days of the week, months and seasons of the year.

Watch the video and be ready to answer my question.

Now tell me please what day is it today?

Next task  is a quiz about days of the week.

Welldone, children!

And now, let`s go to the names of the months. Listen to the chant and review all of them.

What is the mohths now?

And now let`s do a writing task,


You worked very well today!

Thank you for the lesson!

неділя, 4 вересня 2022 р.

Pace Work 2-D 05.09.2022

 Monday, the fifth of September

2-D Form - Pace Work

Hello, my dear pupils. I am incredibly glad to see you all. Are you ready to study?

I hope you have not forgotten the English alphabet. 

I would like to dedicate our lesson today to review.

Listen to the song, try to remember the words that go with the letters of the alphabet.

What words can you say that start with the letter C?

What words can you say that start with the letter F?

What words can you say that start with the letter H?

What words can you say that start with the letter P?

Circle the correct letter.

Match the word with the correct picture.

Pupils, you are great. Thank you for the lesson.

понеділок, 13 червня 2022 р.

Pace Work 1-D 14.06.2022

 Tuesday, the fourteenth of June.

I. Follow the link and watch the video about the new letter.

II. Meet the new animal .
   Let`s learn letter Z sound [z]  and animal zebra.

 Listen to some information about zebra.
The zebra is a horselike animal found in Africa. It has dark brown or black stripes running in an up-and-down pattern over its body. The stripes help the zebra to hide from its enemies.
Zebras live in small groups. They are savage fighters and are wild.. Zebra skin is used to make leather.

III. Listen to sounds in words.
    Can you hear the z sound?

Zoo, wow, muzzle, bird, lazy, zipper, bum, dizzy, dot, zebra, puzzle, wait, zero, fish, lizard, sneeze, been, zucchini, milk, zigzag, buzz, nut, fizz, salt, ooze, fuzzy, fruit, amaze, peach, zoom.

IV. Listen as I read a sentence. Can you find the word that has the z sound?

1. Many animals live in a zoo.
2. We aren`t lazy - we work.
3. Mother fixed the broken zipper.
4. Ride a merry-go-round for dizzy fun!
5. Have you seen a striped zebra?
6. Did you find the missing puzzle piece?
7. Zero means none.
8. Cover your mouth when you sneeze.
9.Toothpaste oozes out of the tube.
10. I am amazed - you learn so fast!

V. Blending sounds and words.

Zax , zarf , zest , zip , zinc , zone .

VI. Write letter Zz.

VII. Color the z sound word pictures.

    VIII. Write letter Zz under the z sound pictures.

IX. Circle the z sound pictures.

неділя, 12 червня 2022 р.

Pace Work 1-D 13.06.2022

 Monday, the thirteenth of June

I. Watch a video and try to guess the sound you are going to learn today.

II. Meet a new animal.

Let’s learn letter Yy, sound [j].

Listen to the information about the yak.

A yak is a wild ox. Yaks live in the cold country of Tibet. The yak walks with its head hung low, almost touching the ground. The yak is covered with black or brownish black hair. The hair is used to make cloth, mats, and tent coverings. The yak can slide down icy mountains, swim rivers, and cross steep rocks.

III. Listen to, say, and sing the cartoon animal song.

IV. Listen to sounds in words.

Listen as I tell you a word. Can you hear the [j] sound?

Yam, yard, odd, wed, yawn, dill, yodel, yarn, rats, yapping, yet, yo-yo, frog, year, chicken, yellow, chilly, yes, brother, yell, young, yogurt, toss, hem, yank.

Listen as I read a sentence. Can you find the word that has the [j] sound?

1. Yams are sweet potatoes.

2. We stay in our yard.

3. I cover my mouth when yawning.  

4. I heard a man yodel.  

5. Sister knits with yarn.

6. The dog was yapping at the door.

7. My yo-yo string broke.

8. A year has 12 months.

9. Come and meet my younger brother.

10. I like strawberry yogurt.

V. Blending sounds and words.

Blend these sounds into words.

Yea, yam, yard, year, yell, yore, you, yum, yap, yarn, ye, yet, yoke, your, yawn, yean, yes, yolk, yule, yawl, yeast, yelp, yacht, yield.

VI. Write letter Yy.

VII. Color the [j] sound word pictures.

VIII. Write Yy under the [j] sound pictures.

IX. Write the letters.

X. Read and write.

XI. Circle the [j] sound word pictures.

середа, 8 червня 2022 р.

Pace Work 1-D 09.06.2022

 Thursday, the ninth of June.


I. Follow the link, watch the video and review the alphabet.

II. Review letter Q animal quail.

III. Listen to the sounds in words. Can you hear sound [kw]?
     Done, quart, or, dark, earthquake, queen, request, quiz, dark, requier, quarter.

IV. Listen to the sentences. Can you find the word that has the q sound?
    1.Please be quiet in the Learning Center.
    2. Keep trying: don`t quit.
    3. Go quickly when Mother  calls.
    4. A quilt is warm.
    5. We quote our verses.

V. Blending sounds and words.
    quip, quite, quote, quake, quack

VI. Review letter X animal Ox.

VII. Listen to the sounds in words. Can you hear sound [x]?
    Exit, taxicab, sixteen, extra, fix, fox, flax, tag, verse, crown.

VIII. Listen to sentences. Can you find the word that has the [x] sound?
        1. On x-ray pictures we can see bones.
        2. Bees make wax.
        3. Children should not play with an ax.
        4. Sister mixed the brownies.
        5. Excuse me, please.

IX. Blending sounds and words.
     vex, mix, box, tux, lox

X. Review letter Y animal Butterfly.

XI. Listen to sounds in words. Can you hear the [y] sound?
     Try, color, sly, nylon, sky, fee, stay, rely, my, eyebrow

XII. Listen to the sentences. Can you find  the word that has the [y] sound?
    1. Wash and dry your hands before you eat.
    2. Sing a lullaby to the baby, please.
    3.It was a shy little deer.
    4. Our country`s burthday is July 4th.
    5. Try to do your best.

 XIII. Blending sounds and words.
         By, my, fly, ply, sly, spy, dry, fry

XIV. Circle the q sound word pictures.

XV. Circle the x sound  word pictures.

XVI. Circle the y sound word pictures.

вівторок, 7 червня 2022 р.

Pace Work 1-D 08.06.2022

 Wednesday, the eighth of June

I. Let’s review the antonyms. Tell me the opposite word.

big – small

sad – happy

fast – slow

cold – hot

tall – short

left – right

hard – soft

day – night

old – new

clean – dirty

beautiful – ugly

white – black

up – down

sit - stand

II. Meet a new animal.

Let’s learn letter Yy, sound [ai].

Listen to the information about the butterfly.

There are about 100,000 kinds of butterflies and moths. Their protection from being eaten by other creatures is their unpleasant taste. Butterflies range from 1/6 inch to 10 inches in wing span. Some species never eat in the adult stage. Most feed on the nectar of flowers.

III. Listen to, say, and sing the cartoon animal song.

IV. Listen to sounds in words.

Listen as I tell you a word. Can you hear the [ai] sound?

Sky, bus, listen, reply, bye-bye, color, July, draw, cry, shy, nylon, see, my, come, try, rely, stay, eye, fry, crayon, by, number, eyebrow, home, fly, lullaby, saw, sly, kin, dry.

Listen as I read a sentence. Can you find the word that has the [ai] sound?

1. “Bye-Bye”, said the baby.

2. Our country’s birthday is July 4th.

3. It was a shy little deer.

4. Julie’s coat was made of nylon.

5. Try to do your best.

6. My eyes are brown.

7. Mother can fry a chicken.

8. Stay by your father.

9. Sing a lullaby to baby.

10. Wash and dry your hands before you eat.

V. Blending sounds and words.

Blend these sounds into words.

Bye, guy, sky, fly, rye, buy, by, ply, dye, my, sly, lye, spy, cry, dry, try, fry, pry.

VI. Write letter Yy.

VII. Color the [ai] sound word pictures.

VIII. Write Yy under the [ai] sound pictures.

IX. Write the words.

X. Read and write.

XI. Read the sentence. Draw a picture of what you read.

XII. Circle the [ai] sound word pictures.