понеділок, 11 січня 2021 р.

4-D 12/01

 Тема: Знак оклику.

2 урока проводяться в ZOOM.

Irina Yanko приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom. Тема: Pacework 4-D Время: 12 янв. 2021 08:00 AM Хельсинки Подключиться к конференции Zoom https://us04web.zoom.us/j/74738498252?pwd=WGxFbE85eWJpdXZQb3MzNENrUS9CUT09 Идентификатор конференции: 747 3849 8252 Код доступа: XBSww8


T: Good morning. I am glad to see you.

II.Повідомлення теми, мети і завдань уроку:  

Teacher: Today we will learn about the exclamation point.

III.Мовленнєва зарядка.

Warm-up . Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.

What day is it today?

What is your favourite day.

When’s your birthday?

IV. Фонетична зарядка.

T: let’s review the sounds  [v] , [w]

V. Основна частина уроку

T: A sentence is a group of words that tells or ask a full thought. 

An exclamation sentence begins with a capital letters and ends with an exclamation mark.

 F.E. loo! 

Виконання вправ.

 Read each sentence and add the correct punctuation mark(s). Then, write the statement, question or exclamation on the line.

1. Are you feeling well today __ _____________________

2. Papa made homemade cookies ___ _____________________

3. Jimmy's team won __ _____________________

4. When is your birthday ___ _____________________

5. Is this your new television ___ _____________________

6. Wow! Look at the fireworks ___ _____________________

7. It rained all day long ___ _____________________

8. Have you met my friend Julie ___ _____________________

9. I want to have a bowl of soup for lunch ___ _____________________

10. Can you make it to my birthday party ___ _____________________

11. Ouch ___ _____________________

12. Isn't this a beautiful night ___ _____________________

13. That’s a very gentle pony ___ _____________________

14. Happy New Year ___ _____________________

15. Sara ate a slice of pizza for lunch ___ _____________________

T: now write down these sentences in your exercise books. Translate these sentences.


Stand up clap clap

Arms up clap clap

Step step arms down 

Clap clap please sit down

Робота в групах..

Teacher:  Divide into 2 groups join the two-half cards to make a correct question and then match the question with the most suitable answer.

What a pretty room you've made!

What a clever                    you look!

What silly mistakes              this is!

How tall you've                    it is!

How healthy                         boy he is!

How late                               grown!

How good of you                 to come!

How                                     weather!

Oh, how                                day!

What a good                          idea!

What a                                  shame!

What nasty                           awful!

What a hot                           wonderful!



T: your homework is to learn the rule.

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