середа, 20 січня 2021 р.

4-D Pace Work 21.01.2021

2 урока проводяться в Zoom.

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Irina Yanko приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom. Тема: Pace Work 4-D Время: 21 янв. 2021 08:00 AM Хельсинки Подключиться к конференции Zoom https://us04web.zoom.us/j/72211749893?pwd=cE1MaG9qa1U1VHJsYTFXaXhsaWxUZz09 Идентификатор конференции: 722 1174 9893 Код доступа: BCM6UR

Thursday, the twenty-first of January.

Theme: Spain. 

                            Хід уроку.


T: Good morning children. I am glad to see you. How are you?

Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

T: In this lesson we will learn about the sense of touching.

Фонетична зарядка.

T: Let’s review the sound [əu]

    Repeat after me:

1.go, note, rese, so, no, smoke, tone; 

2.Home is home. Be it ever so homely.

Make up the sentences with these words.

Основна частина уроку.

1.Введення та активізація нових лексичних одиниць.

Pre-reading activities:

T: repeat the words after me:


A capital

An island

A city



A beach

T: Now write down these words in your vocabularies.

2.Читання тексту.

T: Now let’s read and translate the text. While reading underline the new words.

Spain is an amazing country   and is well known for its history, locations, traditional bullfights, food, language the government, beautiful cities and beaches. 

Spain is located in southwestern Europe on the Iberia peninsula occupying 80 % of the territory which is shared with Portugal.

Spain includes the area to the east of the Balearic islands (Mallorca, Minorca Ibiza) and the south east of the Canary islands, to the south west separated by the strait of Gibraltar is Morocco where you can find the cities of Ceuta and Melilla. 

The capital of Spain is Madrid. Spain is the 3rd largest country in Europe and the 5th in population of 46 million habitants; of which the 99% are Catholics because being Catholic became a global empire.

It left a legacy of over 500 million Spanish speakers today, making it the word`s second most spoken first language; Spain has 4 different dialects which are Basque, Catalan, Valencian and Galician. 

  In Another hand Barcelona is one of the main cities of Spain. It’s the second largest city, where you can find the historic buildings and monuments, such as Sagrada Familia which is the international symbol of Barcelona. 

Speaking of Barcelona, it has beautiful beaches which are only   ten minutes from the center of the city. Barceloneta Beach, Icaria beach are known for their   surfing and snorkeling.

Secondly, the old town of Cadiz is one of the most densely populated urban areas in Spain, and is packed with narrow streets. 

The old town benefits from several striking plazas, which are enjoyed by citizens and tourist.

 3.Виконання післятекстових прав. Post-reading.

T: Answer the questions.

 1. The capital city of Spain is Madrid. True/False

 2. Spain is located in Europe. True/False

 3. The currency used in Spain is the peseta. True/False

 4. Where were the 1992 Summer Olympic Games held?

 a) Valencia

 b) Barcelona

 c) Madrid

 5. What is the Spanish name for Spain? ___________________________

 6. Which side of the road do they drive in Spain? ___________________________

 7. Football is the most popular sport in Spain. True/False

 8. The Pyrenees is a mountain range that divides Spain and which other country?

 a) France

 b) Germany

 c) Italy

 9. What is the highest mountain in Spain? ___________________________

10. What is 'paella'?

 a) A type of rice dish

 b) A type of fruit

 c) A type of soup

 11. What famous Spanish people do you know? e.g. actors, singers, sportsmen.

4.Самостійна робота.T: make up your own sentences to the text and write down them in your exercise books. Well done! Now make up the questions to the text.

Заключна частина.

Підведення підсумків уроку.

T: Today we have learnt about Spain. What did you remember?

 Your homework is to learn the vocabulary and be ready to use it in the next lesson activities

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