неділя, 17 січня 2021 р.

4-D Pace Work 19.01.2021

 2 урока проводяться в ZOOM.

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Irina Yanko приглашает вас на запланированную конференцию: Zoom. Тема: Pace Work 4-D Время: 19 янв. 2021 08:00 AM Хельсинки Подключиться к конференции Zoom https://us04web.zoom.us/j/72211749893?pwd=cE1MaG9qa1U1VHJsYTFXaXhsaWxUZz09 Идентификатор конференции: 722 1174 9893 Код доступа: BCM6UR

Тема: Пунктуація. Крапка.

Хід уроку


T: Good morning. I am glad to see you. 

Teacher: Today we will learn about the point in the sentences.

Фонетична зарядка.

T: let’s review the sounds  [v] , [w]

Play a game. A table on the board. 

1 2

vet wet

van when

vine wine

very weary

village Willy

veil whale

Presentation: the teacher reads words ,s-s write numbers. Then check. 

IV.Мовленнєва зарядка.

Warm-up . Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.

What day is it today?

What is your favourite day.

When’s your birthday?

V. Основна частина уроку.

Введення правила.

T: A sentence is a group of words that tells or ask a full thought. 

A telling sentence begins with a capital letters and ends with a period.

F.E. I like to read the books.

Виконання вправ.

Teacher:  Choose the correct punctuation at the end of the sentence.

1. I want to go home  

2. Is that your dog  

3. My cat is white and brown  

4. Are we going to the park today  

5. What time is lunch 

T: now write down these sentences in your exercise books.

Well done! T: Read each sentence. Tell whether it is a telling sentence or asking sentence.

1. Our class has three pets

telling sentence

asking sentence

 2. May I feed the frog

telling sentence

asking sentence

 3. Josie wants to feed the fish

telling sentence

asking sentence

 4. How many worms will the frog eat

telling sentence

asking sentence

 5. The fish will eat four pellets

telling sentence

asking sentence

 6. I like feeding our pets

telling sentence

asking sentence

Teacher:  Match the words and phrases to make a correct sentence.

My mother cooks                  fine

Hi is a                                 the apples.    

The dog was                       dance.

I like to                               pupil.

He bought                           a pie.

The weather is                    there. 

Well done!

VI. Заключна частина уроку

1. Підведення підсумків.

T: What is a sentence?

2. Домашнє завдання.

T: your homework is to learn the rule.

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