середа, 14 квітня 2021 р.

4-D Pace Work 15.04.2021

Thursday, the fifteenth of April.

 Тема: Джордж Вашингтон .

                                            Хід уроку.


T: Good morning children. I am glad to see you. How are you?

Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

T: Today we will learn about George Washington.

Фонетична зарядка.

T: Let’s review the sound [əu]

    Read the words:

1.go, note, rese, so, no, smoke, tone; 

2.Home is home. Be it ever so homely.

Make up the sentences with these words.

Мовленнєва зарядка.

T:  What day is it today?

      What is it  date  today?

       Do you like today’s  weather?

Основна частина уроку.

1.Введення та активізація нових лексичних одиниць.

Pre-reading activities:

T: repeat the words after me:



To knew



A monument

A statue



A top

T: Now write down these words in your vocabularies.

Make up the sentences with these words.

T: try to guess the translation according to the meaning.

Great – means very special and important.

Honor – means to show we love.

To knew – means did know.

Marble – means a very hard rock.

Memorial – means something built to help us remember.

A monument – means a thing built in honor of a person.

A statue – means the shape of a person.

Strong – means able to help people.

Tall – means very high.

A top – means the high part.

2.Читання тексту.

T: Now let’s read and translate the text. While reading underline the new words.

       George Washington was the first President of the USA. We are able to learn much about him. Many things were written by him. Today people can read the words written by George Washington so long ago.

   We know he was a friendly man. He knew how to show nice manners to people. People loved and trusted George Washington.

    He was a tall, strong man. George Washington knew how to farm. He knew how to find his way through big forests. George Washington knew how to make beautiful maps. He read many books. He liked to read the books.

    He was a strong and wise leader. 

3.Виконання післятекстових прав. Post-reading.

T: fill in the blanks.

George Washington was… 

He showed … manners.

People … him.

He was … and…

George Washington knew … to farm.

He made beautiful …

Now, try to retell the text by two sentences.

5.Самостійна робота.T: make up your own sentences to the text and write down them in your exercise books. Well done! Now make up the questions to the text.

Заключна частина.

1.Підведення підсумків уроку.

T: Today we have learnt about George Washington

. Your homework is to learn the vocabulary and be ready to use it in the next lesson activities

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