Lesson 12 Grade 3 C
Friday, the seventeenth of April
Theme: Weather and Clothes
.Hello pupils, how are you? Hope you are fine. Today we’ll speak about different clothes
which we wear in different weather
1.Open your books and find page 152, ex.1 Write the words with their transcription
into your vocabularies. And add (додайте) the names of other clothes too.
Pictures will help you to understand the meaning of these words:
BOOTS [bu:ts] чоботи
GLOVES [glʌvz] перчатки
FUR COAT [‘fɜ:’ kǝʊt] шуба
UNDERWEAR [‘ʌndǝwɛɜ] спідня одежа
TIGHTS [taits] колготи
STOCKINGS [‘stɔkiɳz] панчохи
COAT [kǝʊt] пальто. куртка
RAINCOAT [‘reinkǝʊt] плащ
HAT [hæt] шапка. шляпа
MITTENS [‘mitǝnz] рукавички
SCARF [ska:f] шарф
TROUSERS [‘traʊzǝz] брюки
SHOES [ʃu:z] туфлі
TRAINERS [‘treinǝz] кросівки
SANDALS [‘sændǝlz] сандалі, босоніжки
SWEATER [‘swetǝ ] светер
DRESS {dres] сукня
SKIRT {skɜ:t] спідниця
SHIRT [ʃɜ:t] сорочка
BLOUSE [blauz] блузка, кофточка
T-SHIRT [‘ti:ʃɜ:t] футболка
2.Now, listen, point and say Ex.1a) p.152
3. Look at the words and pictures and say what things boys wear and what clothes girls wear.
Write them in two columns: BOYS GIRLS. In your exercise books
4.Think and say what clothes you wear every day. And what about your friend?
5. Find Ex. 2a), p.152-153. These are clothes of Jim and Jane. They wear them in
different seasons of the year .Look at these pictures, find winter and say what clothes Jim
wears in winter.
And what about Jane?
6. Read and answer the questions of Ex 2a),p 152.
4. Ex.2b), p 153 Write the answers in your exercise-books.
Learn the words by heart
Friday, the seventeenth of April
Theme: Weather and Clothes
.Hello pupils, how are you? Hope you are fine. Today we’ll speak about different clothes
which we wear in different weather
1.Open your books and find page 152, ex.1 Write the words with their transcription
into your vocabularies. And add (додайте) the names of other clothes too.
Pictures will help you to understand the meaning of these words:
BOOTS [bu:ts] чоботи
GLOVES [glʌvz] перчатки
FUR COAT [‘fɜ:’ kǝʊt] шуба
UNDERWEAR [‘ʌndǝwɛɜ] спідня одежа
TIGHTS [taits] колготи
STOCKINGS [‘stɔkiɳz] панчохи
COAT [kǝʊt] пальто. куртка
RAINCOAT [‘reinkǝʊt] плащ
HAT [hæt] шапка. шляпа
MITTENS [‘mitǝnz] рукавички
SCARF [ska:f] шарф
TROUSERS [‘traʊzǝz] брюки
SHOES [ʃu:z] туфлі
TRAINERS [‘treinǝz] кросівки
SANDALS [‘sændǝlz] сандалі, босоніжки
SWEATER [‘swetǝ ] светер
DRESS {dres] сукня
SKIRT {skɜ:t] спідниця
SHIRT [ʃɜ:t] сорочка
BLOUSE [blauz] блузка, кофточка
T-SHIRT [‘ti:ʃɜ:t] футболка
2.Now, listen, point and say Ex.1a) p.152
3. Look at the words and pictures and say what things boys wear and what clothes girls wear.
Write them in two columns: BOYS GIRLS. In your exercise books
4.Think and say what clothes you wear every day. And what about your friend?
5. Find Ex. 2a), p.152-153. These are clothes of Jim and Jane. They wear them in
different seasons of the year .Look at these pictures, find winter and say what clothes Jim
wears in winter.
And what about Jane?
6. Read and answer the questions of Ex 2a),p 152.
4. Ex.2b), p 153 Write the answers in your exercise-books.
Learn the words by heart
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