Дата: 27/04
Тема: Додавання і віднімання розрядних чисел
Хід уроку
T: The theme is called “Place values”. We are going to solve some word problems and do some tasks and at the end of the lesson you will present your oral reports. Let's get started!
Мовленнєва зарядка
T: What day is it today?/ What is the weather like today? /Do you like such weather?
What season is it? What can you do in summer/winter/autumn/spring?
Ознайомлення із додаванням і відніманням розрядних чисел
T: Children, look at the picture on the blackboard. You know that there are ones, tens, hundreds. These are called collectively PLACE VALUES. Read, please: place value, ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, millions.
Let's practise a little. Name the place values
Розв'язування задач різними способами
T: Now, let's solve word problems.
1. A shopkeeper bought 240 eggs and sold 148 eggs. How many eggs were left unsold?
2. An animal care society tested 356 pet animals. 127 were infected by diseases. Find the number of healthy pet animals that participated in the medical tests.
3. In an annual celebration, 674 students participated. Of them, 392 were boys. Find the number of girls who participated.
4. Director James directed a film which ran for 248 minutes. During the editing process, 109 minutes were removed. What is the final running time of the film, after editing?
5. Mark has a book which contains 649 pages. He has already read 495 pages. How many pages are unread?
T: You were very active today! Thank you! The lesson is over you may enjoy your break!
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