вівторок, 14 квітня 2020 р.

Pace Work 7-D 15/04

Дата: 15/04

Тема: Ознайомлення із зовнішніми планетами.
Pre-reading task
     T.: In order to learn new items we start to work with lexical cards (card #1).  Here you can see some new words:
Galilean moons
gas giants
Great Red Spot
outer planets
planetary rings
     T.: Now we are going to read and translate the text.
Outer planets of the Solar System

Our solar system is made up the sun, eight planets, more than 150 moons, as well as comets, asteroids, dwarf planets and other space rocks.
Planets, asteroids and comets orbit the sun. They travel around our sun in an ellipse. It takes Mercury, the nearest planet, only 88 days but Neptune 164 years to travel around the sun once.
Moons  orbit planets. Currently, Jupiter has the most moons – over 60. Mercury and Venus don't have any moons.
The inner planets Mercury, Venus, the Earth and Mars are called  terrestrial planets. This means they have a hard  surface to stand on. Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus are the outer planets. They are also called the gas giants because you can't stand on them - their  surface is made of gas.
There are many theories on how the solar system  developed. About 4.5  billion years ago a big  cloud of gas and  dust probably  collapsed. The sun formed in the middle, the  densest region. Further away from the sun, gases changed to planets made of rock.

The planets of our solar system 


 Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun and the largest in our solar system. It has 1 400 times the  volume of our Earth, but is only 300 times as  heavy because the planet must be made up of gas rather than rocks or metal.
completes one full turn every 10 hours. If you look at Jupiter closely, you can see stripes , probably clouds that are  created by fast-moving winds.
Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun and the second-largest in our solar system. It is different from the other planets because of its rings, which were first seen by the Italian astronomer Galileo in 1610.
You can see Saturn without using a telescope, but you need one if you want to see its rings. Saturn has a diameter about 10 times larger than the Earth and about 760 Earths could fit into the planet.
Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun. It is sixth in size and just visible to the human eye. It was  discovered by accident by the British  astronomer William Herschel in the 18th century.
Uranus has a diameter of over 50,000 km - about 4 times that of the Earth and it is 3 billion km away from the sun. It takes Uranus 84 years for one single orbit around the sun and 17 hours for one  rotation around its  axis. The unusual thing about Uranus is that its poles are  pointed directly at the sun. This means that it orbits the sun on its side. Each pole gets 42 years of sunlight and then 42 years of darkness.
When Neptune was discovered 1846 astronomers thought it was a star. It is the eighth planet from the sun. It does not shine so brightly, so it is only visible when you use a telescope. It appears as a green - bluish disc, like Uranus.
 It takes Neptune, which is almost 4.5 billion km away from Earth, almost 165 years to travel around the sun once. Neptune's day is shorter than an Earth day - only 16 hours.

     T.:  You have got the cards with the task. We have just read the text.
Your task is to choose the right answers (card #2).
 1. What is the biggest planet in our Solar System?
2. Which statement about the outer planets is TRUE?
 Saturn is the only outer planet that has rings.
 The outer planets are all very warm and have volcanoes.
 The outer planets do not have many moons.
 The atmosphere of the outer planets are made of thick and swirling gases.
3. Which planet is furthest from the sun?
4.Which statement about Neptune is true?
 Neptune has a ring system.
 Neptune has five known moons.
 Neptune is made entirely of gas.
 Neptune can be seen by eye on a clear night.
5. Which planet has seasons that last for about 40 years long?
6. What planet has the most carbon dioxide in its atmosphere?
 7. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are called the gas giants because their surfaces are made of gases.
8. What is the largest planet in our solar system?                 
9. The outer planets are called the Jovian Planets or gas giants.
10. Uranus has moons.
11. What two gases mostly make up Jupiter?
 oxygen and helium
 oxygen and nitrogen
 hydrogen and helium
 hydrogen and nitrogen
12. Uranus is tilted so it seems to be on its side.
 13. Galileo was the first person to observe Uranus with a telescope.
T.: Answer the questions:
Why are outer planets called outer planets?
What are outer planets?
What is outer planets?
Which are outer planets?

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