середа, 27 травня 2020 р.

Pace Work 3-D 28/05

Тема: Скромність.

T: Good afternoon, children! How are you?

Повідомлення теми, мети і завдань уроку
We are going to learn about modesty person .

Введення в іншомовну атмосферу

T: What day is it today?/ What is the weather like today? /Do you like such weather?
What season is it? What can you do in summer/winter/autumn/spring?

 Основна частина уроку.
  1. Введення та активізація нових лексичних одиниць з теми
Pre-reading activities:
T: Read the words: society, modesty, prudery, important, respectful, clothing, belief. 

  1. Активізація навичок читання
While-reading activities:

 Modesty is the name for a number of norms of behaviour a society expects form the individual people that make up this society.
Modesty is very important in countries and cultures around the world. Millions of people believe that it’s not OK to bring attention to yourself with clothing that is revealing. But in some cultures, attitudes about what’s OK and what’s not OK are quite different. Some people believe in the saying, “If you’ve got it, flaunt it.” In a country where modesty is important, most people would probably agree that you should be respectful of that belief. In a country where feelings on the subject are different from person to person, your choice of clothing is up to you. The opinions and feelings of your family and friends are likely to affect your choices as well.

Post-reading activities:
T: Put the right word on the blank:
1.(modesty, kindness, lovely) …  is very important in countries and cultures around the world.
2.In a … (school, country, shop) where modesty is important, most people would probably agree that you should be respectful of that belief.
3.The opinions and feelings of your family and friends are likely to affect your … 
(voices, choices, noses) as well.  

T: And now, answer my questions: 
  1. Are you a shy person?
  2. Is it good to be modesty?

 Thank you! The lesson is over !

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